Aug 23, 2006

Travel... Out of States

If at all you are thinking about travel to say India from USA, now is the time. I mean, just at the end of summer, when actually people travel towards USA, passengers going out of USA sure get cheaper deals and "free" seats rather, berths:)

So, when I happened to do such a travel couple of days back, it was quite enjoyable. The flight from LAX bound outside USA, is like 50% full which means that many passengers do get 2-3 seats for their comfortable sleep:) The business class section of the flight happened to be so empty that some of the aged economy class passengers were given multiple seats, I mean 3-4 seats for them to stretch their legs and rest.

At one end, though this can be beneficial for the customers, I just keep questioning how come the airlines are actually making profits? No wonder, they are all lined up for bankruptcy:). I mean, I also happened to travel in a domestic flight AirBus 330 inside India and it so happened that I should say only 50 seats were filled out of like 250+.

Well, though the actual travel is smooth, the hassles around the same - the security checks & clearance before starting, no carry on luggages, no toothpaste, deos, hair gels etc, requirement of carrying only a transparent polythene bag with passport & ticket only and atlast, the safe arrival of the luggage at the end of the journey - are still points of concern for travel...

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