May 27, 2006

Allow Someone To Die?

The controversy is riding all over the adventure that added popularity to Mark Inglis. Inglis is one person who you can look forward to if you are depressed in life - A double amputee who takes on all kind of adventures. And the latest one is his climbing over Mt. Everest. That sure is one great achievement and he sure deserves appreciation. But...

This news story has a negative end too. Besides other sad stories that, may be some of Inglis's frost bitten fingers have to be cut, the story that is creating some heat is that one of the climbers David Sharp, is allowed to lie & die in the snow just 300 meters below the summit. And the debate behind that is, Can we accept this action of these 40 climbers?

Just thinking about the circumstances - One person is dying, completely frozen, not enough of oxygen for everyone to climb up & go down, Sharp has completely lost all his energy that he is just able to move his eye lids - Is it still justifiable? Can any reasoning back up this act? These can be some general questions. But, the things that hurt - "From a humanitarian stand, do you think saving a man is important or reaching the summit? If nothing is possible, isn't it human nature to spend time till the dying soul departs?"

I'm not a mountaineer or a climber and have no idea about how it feels and what the environment will be. May be, what the climbers did is correct! At one end, Inglis is a hero:)! But at the other, he is one of the soldiers who left his fellow soldier to die in the battlefield:( And the debate continues!

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