Nov 13, 2007


Hmmm... I happened to go to Sriperumbadur - The place known for Rajiv Gandhi's assassination - recently. People have had been talking about so much of industrial developments happening in that place - Like Hyundai factory, Dell factory, today Samsung announcing its manufacturing facility, SIPCOT promoting the place like anything and so on. Actually, Chennai is thinking about its new expanded international airport in that locality.

With so many things going on what I realized out there is, there is no increase in land value or for real estate investment in that locality. Sriperumbadur is more like becoming an extended Chennai and actually my expectation was that more of human settlements will happen around the locality to take advantage of the industrial developments happening. But the areas seem like they are made just for industries with very few houses coming up. Any reasoning?


Anonymous said...

what is your email id? i wants to discuss with you on this topic offline.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jagan,
I was wondering the same, I see that you received a post asking you to contact for clarification(?). Did you receive any? My father has a piece of land there and we are considering traveling this weekend, any info would be very useful.

Take care,
Beena Arvind