Jan 6, 2007

One in a Lakh Person!

Every day in the walk of our life, we do meet different persons and the difference is in their characters.

Around 2 months back, a person named Mr. Ganga Raju walked into my life. I just wish I can thank him in better ways than by just saying that word THANKS and here is one - A place for him in my Blog:)

Why is he one in a lakh - Because, he doesn't expect anything back for all the extraordinary services he does for all the people around him.

He goes out of his way for others, spends days just for the sake of others, takes others around to different required places in his own car, provides his office time and space for others to do their activities & business, provides all types of contacts from his network to others, uses his influence/knowledge in getting things done for others and does, everything with utmost sincerity taking personal interest as if he is doing everything for his OWN sake.

After all these, all he needs is well-wishes & blessings from others and nothing more. I'm not sure if I'll walk into another such a person in my life. I'm not sure, if I can be like that...

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