Jul 16, 2006

To Move...You Think

This is kind of cool. All we need is a brain implant and we are almost ready to work on our computer without touching the mouse:)

And the simple strategy is, our spinal cord is by-passed. Well, the neural signals from brain that are supposed to be transferred to the hand mucles and finger nerves via the spinal cord are received by the Interface called the BrainGate, implanted, decode them and transfer them to the computer as mouse movement signals.

And the experiment has been successful on a patient who is paralysed.

The first of those is Matthew Nagle of Weymouth, Mass., who has been paralyzed from the neck down since his spinal cord was severed five years ago. After receiving his implant two years ago... The device allowed him to open e-mail, draw circles using a paint program and play a simple video game - using only his thoughts. -- CBC News
That's worth an invention to keep someone happy who has lost one half of his/her body movements!

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