Jun 22, 2006

Enemies Join Hands!

Yesterday, I happened to install Real Player in one of the systems. Well, at the end of the install, much of to my surprise, there is dialog for installing Google ToolBar! Interesting enough - RealPlayer is trying to pull down the monopoly of Microsoft as much as possible! Very much apt to say 'Enemy of my Enemy is my friend'!

Well, much to a coincidence came across another news yesterday itself. The very recent enemy for Microsoft is the PDF guy! He too joined his hands with Google! A multi-year agreement of including Google's toolbar with all Adobe products starting with ShockWave player! 'All small enemies join hands with one lead enemy'!

On a side note, guess, everyone wants to install a new toolbar in Internet Explorer and Firefox! The new Yahoo Messenger 8.0 beta install, compulsorily installs yet another toolbar for these two browsers:)! Microsoft should never even be worried about that small MSN search textbox in the corner of IE 7.0!


Anonymous said...

these arent the only MS enemies...
there are more to come...

see this

the entire FOSS community is against it..with many just reasons too..!!
are u too...??
Stay Connected. (not through windows/MSN..)

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Nice link!