Jun 6, 2006

A 'Save As' Issue!

'Why' is the question that stands in my head! I'm more than surprised by this new stand from Microsoft. They have fought cases of monopoly where they never even had the chance of winning. But today, it's a different scenario. They not only didn't fight but also conceded defeat in this issue where they may actually win. But why?

We all know of PDF for quite some years and it had been declared as an open format by Adobe allowing other softwares to support it like Mac OS does so. Well, recently Microsoft have also made a move to support PDF in their Office 2007 to be out with Vista. All they have done is, include another menu option in the products of their Office 2007 Suite Beta Version - Save As PDF! That's it! Adobe took a reverse stand - If Microsoft is to support PDF through their Office Suite, then they need to charge for the same from their customers! A Stand that applies only for Microsoft!

It's understandable that Adobe may lose some market if MS Office starts supporting PDF. But, PDF is an open format to be supported as declared earlier by Adobe and so, Microsoft had all rights to include the respective 'Save As' option. But to my surprise, Microsoft yielded and accepted to remove the 'Save As PDF' option from their Office 2007. And they have accepted to give the option as a free downloadable patch for their customers. How come Microsoft took this stand?

On a side note - It seems Adobe is still unhappy. They neither want 'Save As' nor a free patch from MS:)! Hmm... Microsoft is already getting ready for yet another court action! But, does Adobe really have a point to win?


Anonymous said...

now i think MS shouldnt be called as MicroSoft...but Monopolizing Stupidity..!!
its locking the customers with its propietary formats...!!
too much...due to a historic victory in stone age..MS became the world champ...and in this way of conquering and licencing formats...it wants to continue its monopoly..!!
for eg: the .doc format...it is being used since 1995.. by people when microsoft dominated the computer market..!!
so all the data that the people worked on for all these years is in that format...now MS is blackmailing to continue their support to to this format..!!
its like blackmailing the customers saying that they should buy the new version of Office and Windows...coz if they dont...they lose support for their data..!!
so OpenOffice.org to the rescue...but MS...wants to maintain its monopoly...so it now refuses to support the .otf format..which is free and open source..!!
really bad..i think this is morally wrong on the part of MS..still minting money with its domination in olden days..!!
fine...now with pdf format which too is open source...MS may patent it...and send adobe to bankrupsy..!!
I am trying my best to boycott windows....if i get 18$ from somewhere....i would be completing my mission... www.transgaming.com ..!!
thats the only thing for which i still use windows..!!
Try Linux for a change..!!

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Hmm. MS have always been the drivers of the market. They bring up new technology & want the whole market to follow them. They just don't want to lose tht stronghold position.

Anonymous said...

Adobe don't have a case here, or do they ?. PDF is made open standard that can be used by anyone. But still, reading PDF and Save as PDF makes that little difference that Adobe can bank on for this case. Mac OS X has PDF built right in its core, it won't bother Adobe coz they are not the PC/office suite market leader.