Jun 24, 2006

Educational Society... But

In India, kids are being forced into educational system. Every single kid does study a lot and children try to acquire lots of knowledge & skills from their very young ages. Parents expect their kids to be the first rank holder in everything.

Yesterday, one of my friends claimed that a kid in KG gets books for Science, Math, 2 books for English and what not! Meanwhile, the small kid is already visiting regularly dance, karate, singing classes! Already...!!

But is achieveing excellence in studies the right thing to measure? Because, Delhi Public School just stand to differ. Let's see the story of Garima Godara - A 16 year old girl from a village near Delhi has scored like around 97% in her CBSE 10th Grade exams and still she couldn't find a seat in the highly acclaimed school! Well, she cleared the school's entrance exam (for the +1 grade!) and then she couldn't clear the interview - Not good in Spoken English is the reason!

Well, I too stand to differ from the school! If spoken english is the only reason to reject her, then it's really a bad reason. The school should just have thought about Japan and I'm sure, they would have reconsidered their decision. I'm sure, if the girl is that much skillfully qualified she would put some more efforts to excel in her spoken english too.

It's good that the school has built a good name and the knowledge creams want to walk into this school! But, shouldn't the school put some efforts to bring up some kids? They just can't expect the top notch kids to walk into their school, the kids do all the work and the school ending up getting 'the name'!

Well, we can say that the girl just tasted the reality in India. More to come, are the reservations, the governmental offices, the corruptions - Things which we don't have any control on, but just accept them as a part of our life...


Anonymous said...

well, DPS has its name because the top students walk into their school. thats what they've been doing since past many years. each year, the students in my school, who get above 93% in tenth go to DPS. DPS calls up these students and offers them a donation free admission. My dad said to me yesterday that I should secure above 93% this year so that i can get admission in DPS coz that school produces outstanding results in 12th and most of its students get selected in IIT and other top universities.
but thats not bcoz of the faculty but the students who could've scored high being in any other school. but my dad just won't listen.

Anonymous said...

in this world only the fittest deserve to survive..!!
so the top notch schools take in the creamiest lot of kids so that they put special efforts on them to further nurture their talents...
so these schools arent for the average lot...
the top notch schools only hav the children which the school authorites believe that hav the potential to excel ...bring scores..and name for the school too..!!
the kids their hav a better environment not jst for studies...but loads of other activities as well...as they co-exist with others of their own caliber..!!
DPS is one such school..although i dont study in it...but i know the scale at which events are hosted in their school...
u hav some of the most talented lot of kids in that school...
we see them winning every damn contest that is held anywhere..!!
for now...let me clear 10th with a good score...and then i too would be a DPSide..!!
Stay Connected.(no matter where u studied..)

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Ofcourse, if the top creams walk into this school, they will be the ultimate performers in any competition they go! But ofcourse, there should be enough backing from the school too.
I wish the school had backed Garima too. As delhiking says, if they r really giving donation free, then I feel Garima would definitely deserve it.