Jun 28, 2006

Colors They Change...

Assume you lost something near a bush in your backyard and you are searching for the same. You are moving the plant & bush with your hands and suddenly you feel that the bush underneath your hand is moving on its own. Just out of curiosity, you take a peek. Alas! You see a venomous snake which is almost of the same color as that of the bush. Can you feel the chillness in your heart?

Well, you will if you feel discomfort with snakes around and especially if you have touched one before! Once when I was in a theme park, I had 3 long snakes around my neck (one of those crazy stuffs :)) and even now, I feel their movement!!!

Alright! Coming to the point: There is so much of hype around the discovery of this new species, informally called ‘Chameleon Snake’. Till now, scientists haven’t had a chance to see one legless reptile which can change color, to blend with its surrounding! This snake called the Kapuas Mud Snake, caught in Borneo’s rain forest is the one and has become the center of attention!

“I put the reddish-brown snake in a dark bucket. When I retrieved it a few minutes later, it was almost entirely white,” is how Dr. Mark Auliya, a German researcher has explained his discovery!
Well, after reading the news story, my curiosity increased on how chameleon actually changes color. How Stuff Works?
“For example, reptiles, amphibians and fish with green coloration typically have a layer of skin with yellow pigment and a layer of skin that scatters light to reflect a blue color. Combined, these layers of skin produce green. "
-- How Stuff Works
Guess, this whole article really explains how most of the animals change their colors and how they adapt! Most probably, this ‘Chameleon Snake’ uses one of those mechanisms. Or is it possible that this snake variety uses a totally new way of producing & refracting lights & colors? Who knows what’s in store in nature?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whether the colors stay or dont....i love reptiles...
i love to watch all kinds of herp programs...such as crocodile hunter and jeff corvin experience on animal planet and discovery..!!
i hope this new species is too covered by them...and please put a pic of this new creature on the blog when u find it..!!