Jun 28, 2006

Same Sea Different World?

With all the ads going on about Shamu, my expectations did increase. If you have seen them, you'll understand too! A couple of killer whales swimming under the ocean, coming up above the sea level and flying near the down town buildings - The ad ending as Believe in Shamu! This is a new show by Shamu killer whale in Sea World, San Diego! What else can a whale do was my question when I went there.... & yes, there was nothing special in the new show too! A bit of disappointment.

But, to my surprise, the show by the seals - Clyde & Seamore's Risky Rescue had a new story line and it was much more entertaining than the previous ones. It sure is worth a watch! And as always the dolphins put up a great show in their Discovery! They never give up & I too always enjoy watching them!

Yet another surprise is the summer time show of Cirque de la Mer - (Picture?? - Succeeded uploading after many tries!!) The show with people dressed like sea world creatures dancing, doing acrobatics and performing for music. I should say this performance is not that much entertaining as the others, because it is not performed by sea creatures and well, is performed at a distance from the audience! Here are some clips of the same! Video 1, Video 2

What to say! May - June is the right time for San Diego Sea World and if you get a chance, just try it out.

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