Jun 1, 2006

Fire In Sun...

It's a whole new world today as everyday and but things haven't changed much in the Tech world. It is the same story from Silicon Valley from the days of Dot Com Burst. There was a time when I found tough to digest the news from Intel and today a similar news from Sun Microsystems.

A switch over from Scott McNealy to Jonathan Schwartz means a new management and new way of looking things and new routes for cost cutting. But the number is huge. 5000 employees out of like 37000 to be fired is a lot to think about - Well, can't say because I guess they have already downgraded around 12,000 from the year 2000.

I'm not sure if their server line up - AMD's Opteron based ones, Solaris, Niagara & what else - is ready to meet the market demands. Haven't really been tracking details on these. Any insights?


Anonymous said...

Hey Bantoo -
Good Blog, Nice Posts !


Jagan M Narayanan said...

Wow. Very nice to hear from u after a long time TP.