May 27, 2006

Dude! Its Delloogle...

Dell is sure shifting gears! The first step was towards AMD from Intel and now a focus shift to Google from Microsoft! Well, its not exactly a focus shift per say, but it sure is taking away some of the users from Microsoft. Here goes the news - Google To Put It's Softwares in Dell PCs!

If Google Pack is installed by default in any Dell Desktop or Notebook, then what we are looking into, is the same scenario just like the issue that cropped up a few days back on Internet Explorer 7.0 beta's small corner text box - Slowly take the users towards you by setting some of the default options.

I guess, the default browser is going to be FireFox with the default search box of Google. If at all, people turn back to Internet Explorer then the Google toolbar will show up:) When talking about Google Pack, we know for sure that Google has made an intelligent move by making GVP (Google Video Player) an optional product - Ofcourse, who wants to get into the same legal issues as Microsoft with its WMP? Hmm...Google Earth is just for making statements to MapQuest, Yahoo Maps & the new MSN Local Live!

Is Google Pack a start? Are we looking forward to something more? Somthing "bigger"? I'm not sure, but it looks like we may soon end up with an OS from Google! Is it just smoke or there is fire beneath?

Whatever it is! BTW, how or why did AdAware Personal find a place inside Google Pack?

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