Apr 24, 2006

Voluntary Retirement!!

So, in the middle of legal battles going on with Merck & Vioxx, we hear about this Voluntary Recall by Bauch & Lomb (BL) of Renu MoistureLoc solution. So, is BL asking for some trouble? It sure is my guess.
So, lzz wait for a month for the FDA to conclude their R&A on some of the BL's plants. Once that comes out & if that turns out to be in the wrong side for BL... Jzz think about BL getting submerged in the quick sand of legal cases. They are gonna be all over BL like the Vioxx. So, is BL ready for all these? It better be, 'coz what v r talking abt is, blindness, compromising eye sight.
I hope BL's Renu is not the cause, but a small FishBone might show where the problems can be.
Direct Cuases - Lens, the lens box, lens cleaning solution
Lens - YEah! If thzz not a reliable product, not of gud quality or if its something specific to the lens maker.
Lens Box - Quite a possibility. The cleaning agents used for this box, can make a reaction. May not be cleaned properly. Or the box itself can be defective.
Lens Solution - Well, every1 knows it. Its always with the lens...

1 comment:

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Update - Bausch has accepted to pull Renu MoistureLoc solution worldwide. Link