Apr 23, 2006


The way I feel now is like I just want to lie down and sleep for lengthy hours - something like i haven't slept for 2-3 days continuously. Its a feeling of accomplishment & a sense of satisfaction, of doing something that is of my own interest, helping some others who wanted to do something to our community is a different country, who are running out of options & i turn out to be one of the last alternatives & above all, something that kept my mind busy and occupied from the day of Tamil New Year.
Alrit! Let me explain what I'm talking about. I jzz luv singing Tamil Light Music songs & that, I can live with - Sing Tamil Songs for 24 hours a day. & I do also luv stage performances. I have enacted in Skits/Ad Ups/Variety Shows during my past days but haven't done much on that field out of my own. Like, I won't Market myself onto it. So, a month back, I got this email from one of my friends asking me, if I'm ready for doing some singing on stage for some Tamil New Year Celebrations. I know i have been making lots of compromises now a days & i really need to do something for me & my state of mind. The set of events that is happening around me is asking me to make lots of decisionsagainst my own wish, but I'm running out of alternatives in those respects.
I'm supposed to travel out to Dallas on Apr 22nd but I feel this event - The TamilNew year celebration - will sure give me a break. This is something though short term will help me feel the pride, cherish the moments now & forever. So, I made a choice to stay back for Apr 22 Weekend for this event.
I wasn't sure how much this is gonna be worthwhile, 'cos i started hearing that I'll get a chance for 5 minutes to sing a song. After some outward coordination from the organisers, I, the female Solo & the KeyBoard master met on April 15th. We jzz thought of different songs like 6 of them for 30 minutes. Not bad. I was glad, that things r turning up better.
& then, the same night, I get a call from one of the Organizers asking me to take a role in a drama. Well, without any idea I got committed. From that night onwards, its been practice for drama or light music till late night like 12 AM.
So, the saturday came when I got to wake up once again like 6 AM after sleeping around 2 AM, coz the drama gang wanted a practice again. & after all that tiresome weeknights, the 'performance' came out really very very gr8. There were like 150 poeple for the event and it was a gud success.
Feeling of accomplishment - Acting in a drama
A sense of satisfaction - I sing tamil songs in front of a big crowd in mic
Doing something of my own interest - The songs i like and have always luved the way they are written, expressed and pitched.
helping others for community - Tamil New Year Celebs as a grands event in US
Run out of options - Asking me to act in some drama in the eleventh hour
Last alternative - The only serious role in the drama

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