Apr 24, 2006

Cheap 'Cell'ers

2 new wireless companies r making news for the past few weeks. Both r targeting a different set of niche (can be called i guess) markets.
Leap is really into business with rural ppl with unlimited calling minutes for jzz like $45 a month - the topmost rate. Consider this... These ppl are talking like 1500 minutes per month & tht too for such a low rate. I guess ne1 wud luv to use this service if they think they r the chatter box among their group. This comp is making a revenue of like 45 bucks per customer compared to that of like 65 per head from other biggies. And this is more interesting. Leap signs up a customer for say around 140 bucks (including phones, marketing, sales etc) while the biggies r luking into something like 375. And much more deeper - Other biggies r not into this market at all... Sweet!
Now consider this other comp. Well, it hasn't come into market yet but its prospects r gud. Xero Wireless - These guys r luking into the other cheaper market - college kids. Once again phones for free and too cheap services but the catch is, the customers have to look into some # of ads per day. Who else can be target market? College kids r here to save cheap pennies here & there for thier poket $s & cell phone is like kinda a disease among them. Check ne college kid in ne university & u can c a cell. So, a gr8 market to start with, with a gr8 plan for the business. I feel, this is sure a winner!! Wat ya say?

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