Apr 30, 2006

BabelFish!, why not Indian?

Well, have you ever heard about BabelFish in one of the online segments? Till now, I haven't. The interesting fact is, this is from Yahoo!. So, I made a visit to Babelfish and its a cool website for translating texts from/to languages.

I know Google has one service and there had been email forwards which makes things show up funny at the website. So, my first curiosity as being an Indian is to see the listing of Indian languages in the dropdown. Oh no! There is not even Hindi! I mean, Hindi is the national language of India and India is one of the biggest markets in the technology world in terms of development of softwares/websites, internet browsing etc. So, Indians as part of different consultancy firms, travel to various countries and they sure need some place to look for translations. And I just don't understand how Yahoo didn't consider this biggest market for its BabelFish!

Yahoo! You better start doing your market research and accordingly add features. There are billions who look forward to your service!

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