Apr 30, 2006

Double 'i' Trend!

So, now everyone is aware of Viiv (like re'vive') with 2 i's. So, are we creating a trend of names? Nintendo's new name for the next gen game console is Wii (like We). So, is this a new trend for new products? I'm guessing, Viiv would have played a major role in deciding the name Wii.

With XBox 360, already around the market and PS3 awaiting its time to market, Nintendo can't stop. I have never been a big follower of Nintendo's consoles & their news making. But, this new name Wii has created hypes for past 3 days and obviously that has made me write this. So, Nintendo has got a lot of publicity, attention, marketing on this new product without any kind of investment.

A 3 letter word has created ripples against the other 3 letter words 360 & PS3 for the past 3 days and now, is the time to look for how those 3 products are going to perform against one another. From this point onwards, I'll for sure be watching the progress of MS, Sony & Nintendo game consoles. I hope you all will be with me.

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