Mar 29, 2010

Car Learning

Recently I attended one video session by Zig Ziggler. In that he was mentioning about how to effectively use our time. One such thing is to start learning when you are in your car - It's like read a book when you are caught in traffic jam. You don't need Ziggler to give us this great idea, but sure it is an eye opener.
So, it is very obvious that I started looking for alternatives, options, resources which I can utilize when I go in car to office in Indian roads. Well, I thought I'll browse through the FM radios - Freely available, no extra efforts:)
To my surprise, I ran into one station which broadcasts some real good, thought provoking & knowledge sharing information, that too in English. It turned out to be one station from IGNOU. I felt really great on hearing that.
But it seems like the broadcast is only from 7:30AM to 9AM. That's bad... If at all someone related does look here, please do the broadcast for the whole day if possible.


Unknown said...

Why not burn a few audio books in a CD and listen to that. I always used to do that when I had a >30 min car drive to work. Infact I miss it now since it used to be a nice opportunity to finish a few books while commuting (I have a 10 min drive now).

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Sure Amit... Thx for the feedback. I'm sure workin out all alternatives for even my way back home too.