Nov 15, 2007

Public Inconvenience

If you drive in a Indian National Highway at night time, you sure can feel the burning sensation in your eyes because of all those glaring lights ahead of you. Today as I was coming back to house driving through the city, I felt the same way... This is because the street lights are all switched off and the streets & roads are too dark. I was in fact cursing people for not switching on the street lamps.

But I realized that it is not the switchman issue today but because of a political party which has organized a public meeting that too not in a ground but in its head office itself which is in fact located at one of the good spots of the city.

No wonder there is too much of crowd, too much of darkness, too many vehicles, too many traffic jams and all power supply only for that meeting. Why the leaders always want to be a public nuisance?

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