Nov 15, 2007

Cloned Monkey

Guess today's hottest headline from the medical field is the cloned monkey. When monkey can be cloned we are obviously very close to cloning humans but as always it is a question to be answered if this is going to be a good development. As far as human cloning & related stem cell growth are gonna be used for curing diseases and other such medical advancements we can be in the right path.

Have you watched the movie 'The Island'? The concept was great - cloned human beings who live a real life are basically available as medical insurance for rich actuals. If the 'actual' lose a limb, then the respective clone's limb will be used as a replacement hence extending the life of humans by double & more. So, if humans are cloned then we may probably be getting into such cases...

By the way, is Kamal's 'Dasaavathaaram' based on human cloning?

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