Sep 30, 2006

Burning Recall

Well, the recalls from most of the companies have been painful. What else, the notebook recall. Dell's notebooks started burning. Then last week, Lenova's too. Most of the companies have joined in the recall of their units. Even Apple, Toshiba & Fujitsu adding up the total to around like 7 million books... And I guess HP's recall has nothing to do with this.

And the culprit is Sony! Sony batteries have got all the bad names because of the short circuits, burns & explosions. So, is it time for a transition from Sony to Sanyo or Panasonic? Can the competitors promise a better product? Will it be a fast transition? What'll happen to all the losses which the whole industry has been experiencing? Or can Sony retain these businesses with a much better, reliable & quality battery?

Even otherwise, will these bad quality have effect on other Sony's products? May be this'll have some effect on PS3 sales!!!


21stCenturySocks said...

My son will tell you that he wants an xbox360 because he plays with it everytime he sees one in a store. In Europe, there's no sign of the PS3.
I will tell you I'm not happy with Sony because they are not carrying on the backward compatability they gave me with the PS2 playing PS1 games. As I understand it, PS2 games won't play on the PS3.

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Hmmm... Still I look forward to PS3 because of its Blu Ray compatibility...

Anonymous said...

Dude, its Notebook Battery recall, not Notebook recall.

Prashanth said...

there are more battery manufacturers than just sony..
and i seriously dont doubt sony's quality as even some HP laptops like mine.. NX 6130 use sony batteries..
it must be something regarding high power drain from the laptop manufacturers..!!
it wasnt happening before.. why now..??
and HP has no such problems..