We Fly Too!
Hmmm... At one end there are these small car segment (like Yaris or Fit) which is expanding like anything in the US market. Meanwhile, we also saw that Toyota has been expanding into some unrelated territories! Unlike Toyota, Honda is atleast entering a segment which it can categorize somewhat into its core Transportation business - Aviation!The news on the making is Honda's readiness for the Very Light Jets (VLJ) (I guess, they are still termed as Air Taxis)! Still don't know what a VLJ is? Just have a quick video preview from Honda themselves! And you know what is best about Wiki - They already have the HondaJet segment updated with the July 25th, 2006 announcement:)!
"HondaJets will sport several innovative features. Unlike on other light jets, the turbofan engine will be mounted on top of the wing instead of on the fuselage's tail section. Its fuselage exterior will be made of lightweight, composite materials, not aluminum. Those characteristics, combined with its unique-shaped wings, result in larger cabin space, higher cruising speed, and greater fuel efficiency than its competitors' models, the company says."Okay! So, what about the possible competition? We don't need to look anywhere else than Wiki! With AirBus & Boeing already into too much of technical issues & delays and hence, into some financial issues, should sure keep VLJ's too in their mind!
-- USAToday
With so many companies into VLJ production, the Air Taxi service providers like DayJet & Linear Air are sure looking into some bright future!
hey, honda taking to aviation! thats nice, now cambata got a tough competetor as honda wud expand soon in aviation. In India CAMBATA is the leading aviation company.
I've never heard of Yaris or fit.
CamBata... They say, they are into ground handling for Airports.
Honda is just producing VLJ's jzz like Cars and has nothing to do with Cambata at this point of time. And even in the future, they won't expand in those territories...
Won't they? I thought honda is a company which wud soon like to put its hands in all feilds, even ground handling. Boieng and airbus are not too much in India. Why wud Honda not like to enter ground handling? It has funds, repute and resources.
Remember, Boeing & AirBus are manufacturers of AirCraft. They are not the service providers.
AirIndia (service provider) basically operate with Boeing air crafts.
Likewise, Honda (manufacturer) will sell their VLJs to probably AirIndia (in future, who knows)... But may be to DayJet or LinearAir in the near future...
OK, now I get this. Thanx for that, day jet and linear air aren't in India. Hey, I wanted to ask, which year did u go to US. Did u do ur engineering from India?
Yes - Engg from India.
2000 - 2 US
Which college? and which feild? IT?
Me from Anna, IE (Non IT);)
Hey, one of my brother's friend got into anna university a month ago but its tough for a delhiite to go there as T.N is too far.
Did u do m.b.a or was it thru campus selection?
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