Jul 19, 2006

Painful Send Off!

He claimed my father’s body for Rs1 lakh compensation
-- DNA Mumbai
That is how the news headline read. And the complete news article expressed much deeper pain.
When you know a person is so punctual, to be available back at house at 7PM and if he didn't turn back, and if that happens to be your father, just imagine the hard feeling...

Already there are lots of complaints about corruption and malpractices in the Tsunami funds distribution in Tamil Nadu & Kerala. And now, comes this sad story about a family who couldn't find their father's body one week after the Mumbai bomb blasts. The worst part is, the body had been already claimed & cremated by a different person just for claiming a lakh rupees from the government.

Can't corruption atleast spare the loved ones? Or atleast can't they feel the pain the family will undergo and give them their dutiful rights to perform the last rites? When there is going to be no procedures to follow, everyone is sure trying to exploit the situation...:(

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