Jul 15, 2006

Million Dollar Dream!

A special news letter from BusinessWeek concentrates on this guy called Remi Frazier! Here is his video interview before he jumped on his dream "project".

Well, that pretty much sums the story up I guess. Here is the link in case you need more info. And the one month dead line is ending on 16th July. When we see this whole picture, this seems like a reality show!:)

But things aren't that simple either. While I do think & realize that this has been getting too much of attention, the cash amount around USD15 grand as seen in that website is not that encouraging though. Can a multi purpose knife tool (called as ManTool by Remi) bring in a million bucks in a month? I guess, that is too much to ask because we do see many such kind of products even in Tele Shopping commercials.

"I think what has been interesting has been how willing and excited people are to be involved in a positive venture," says Lissy Garrison, executive director of Ballet Nouveau Colorado, who signed on as a small-business marketing consultant for the project. "[Frazier] delights in finding and leveraging the strengths of people around him. He has many, many qualities that make him an effective leader. Thus, he does not need specific business skills, he can rely on the expertise of the people around him."
-- BusinessWeek
Well, seriously if everyone who comes up with a different business model gets such great, positive and encouraging feedback, they sure can mostly succeed! So, keeping my fingers crossed, I too await like all other online forums who are tracking this project's performance!

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