Jun 19, 2006

Mother Of Lemons...

From all around the world, the luxury car makers have always seen complaints - How, the after sales service from BMW or for that matter, that of Benz (DaimlerChrysler) is awful! So, let's see what is going on today with these guys!

Mercedes Benz AMG CLK-GTR roadster is worth like a whooping USD 1.7 Million! If you think of it, it's much more than a dream car - 12 cylinders, 124 MPH in 10 secs & 200 MPH max speed! And this has been in Los Angeles for quite some time now! If I had known, I sure would have sneaked into the showroom! Just like, peeking all kind of Ferrari's at Wynn in Vegas:)!

Well, well! So much for the hype and I guess, I need not regret now - The car hardly ran for 10 blocks, gave a oil pressure warning and then refused to shift gears! Lol...Now this is scrap metal worth USD 2 Million & called 'The Mother of All Lemons' - An apt picture too! The worst part is Mercedes haven't provided their helping hands...

Is there a way, we can start making CarFax reports for any car that walks out from a plant?!

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