May 30, 2006

Who Owns The Net?

Until now there have been no issues on this. But this is becoming a bit more than hot in North America! The question is who owns Internet?

There is really no owner at the providers end. I mean, can we consider the whole new section of internet writers/editors called Bloggers also as owners?! So, everyone in this world is a owner and effectively noone is. The readers are not as they are already paying for their internet browsing. So, it's the deliverers - the Internet Service Providers (dial up, DSL & Cable providers) are in a bit of advantage position because they carry the bits & bytes. Are they really?

Well, they say it and now they feel they got to take control of the whole traffic that pass through their cables. They want to make things work like this - Ask the biggies in the business like say MySpace, Google, Yahoo, MSN, WalMart et al. to pay a price money, a commission kind of, to deliver their web sites faster to the end readers while the others like my blog site will take its own sweet time to reach a reader if asked for because am not going to pay for the service. So, the courier service wants to take money at both the ends! The word behind this fight is Network Neutrality. Their strong argument is they would improve their service to the customers by enhancing the delivery infrastucture like the cables etc with the new set of funds that can flow in from the providers. Well, the decision is now in the hands of the US lawmakers!

I'm not in agreement with the delivery boys! They are already exploiting the end user market and I guess, they have enough funds already built over all these years & still increasing to improve their infrastuctures. But, may be this issue can be settled with a new outlook - Like the providers and the end users share the expense along with the delivery boys. Every bit into the net costs. Everytime a site is queried costs the provider. End users pay hourly or subscription based. Deliverers pay based on the amount of sites queried. Did I pull too much off the air:)?


Anonymous said...

the internet is as much mine as much this earth...or this universe is...
there cant be an owner to this virtual wired and weird world which is dependent on a particular arrangement of electrons...
we may not live in this world but surely cant live without it..!!
we talk..see people through this...
and see this...i met u through doesnt this thing behave like a real world...??
it just much smaller and everyperson is cramped inside smaller gaps or divides..!!
so through this...Stay Connected.

Jagan M Narayanan said...

But u do understand that the providers & end user (like us) r dependant on the deliverers to get connected! So, do they have more rights on internet than us?
The deliverers feel that they own the meeting room where we both meet. So, he is expecting both the parties to pay the rent for the room. At the same time, he also want to decide which parties (sites) get the priorities!!