May 24, 2006

What? Another Country?

Hey! Do you know that we have a new country in the Atlas from Yesterday? I guess, they just got formed and joined the European Union!

I know of people in India who fight for a seperate state because they think they represent a seperate community in their own state! They feel they need a new administration! Like all the new states of Uttaranchal etc. People in Andhra are still fighting for special recognition like the telangana region people. So, when we have got such kind of fights for recognition as a seperate State going on in different countries, we still have people who want to recognize themselves as a seperate country and split themselves from?? - Its Yugoslavia & Serbia!

We can't say exactly the people want that because only 55.4% of the total population of around 650,000 people voted for it. But, that percentage is just enough because European Union set 55% voting as the threshold to recognize the new country. So, the new country is Montenegro and its Prime Minister is Milo Djukanovic. So, what this means to the EU & the international community?

More administration and more administrative resources. Hmm, probably one more headache for Europe. People trying to find a citizenship between Serbia and Montenegro! More trade pacts & agreements - For importing, exporting, crossing over, gas lines & pipes! What not! The currency to use - Guess, they are already using Euro without EU's acknowledgement instead of Serbia's Dinar.

It's a whole new geography, history, economy & politics!

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