May 19, 2006

Sending in, A Grave Error? Isn't Taking Out...

If a set of countries have taken the initiative on a common ground, then I guess it's a commitment made till the end. Things won't just change because the leadership changed. At the same time, they just can't leave things in the middle when it is yet to be settled.

It may be acceptable that Romano Prodi, the new Italian Prime Minister remarked on Iraq war as a 'Grave Mistake'. Okay! I guess most of the countries do have the same problem. Tony Blair has enough pressure in his country! Likewise, Bush's opponent John Kerry's last election campaign was basically against Bush's war on Iraq! It's still an ongoing argument on where the intelligence failed in not finding the reality of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' in Iraq! All accepted! But the countries should stand and do stand for their commitment to restore peace in Iraq and that should be appreciated.

But, somehow I'm not comfortable in Prodi's latest stand of removing the 3000 troops from Iraq when the tensions are still unsettled and when the power is still not handed over to Iraqis! Once again a stand, to have peace in Iraq and to hand over the power to the locals is a commitment made by the country, not just by their Ex-Leader like Silvio Berlusconi! Don't you agree?

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