May 18, 2006

An Inch Closer to YouTube!

It's time for some Video update! Well, not from me, but from Google Videos!

I prefer going over Google Video if I'm really in search of a Video. Like any other service from Google, it is still in Beta stage and hasn't really occupied a place above Google's Home Page Text Box:)

"The service is kind of ok when search & play is considered. But have you tried uploading? That is not great at all when compared to other video sites" - That would have been my comment till yesterday considering these - Just like any other photo uploading websites like Yahoo Photos or ImageStation , which asks the user to install a software for easy drag & drop upload of multiple photos, Google was asking user to install a software to upload a video. I hated that! Even, to some extent that is acceptable! But the whole enthusiasm to share the video with others & see the video online, will eventually drain off I guess, when we finally see the video itself! My goodness, it takes like a day for the video to show up in the website! Looks like Google has heard enough complaints like these!

They just made life easier! Check it out for yourself! No Software! Added to that:

Users occasionally have had to wait as long as 24 hours for a video to show up on the service, said Peter Chane, a product manager for Google Video. Videos should now be available to share shortly after they are transmitted to Google, Chane said.
-- Yahoo News
. This is a good move. But, its not an easy fight for leadership in this video category! Because, even Google knows that every day the number of unique visitors to social networking sites Myspace & especially YouTube are always on the rise!

Well, for me, I'm just going to upload some videos of my recent stage performances into Google! Will eventually provide the links out here, I guess:)

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