May 9, 2006

AOL makes Another Louder Cry!

It is just 7 months after a number 700 was announced by AOL. Now, the number has increased to 1300. Big numbers, if you know what they represent!

Well, the numbers counts the total number of heads who have been shown their way to the door. This is something expected after reporting below expected revenue for first quarter. It is also a known fact that AOL has been losing its share to all its competitors. But, you got any idea what is the reasoning behind these layoffs - Where the layoffs are? Who are the competitors?

WE. It's US. Just imagine, what consumers are doing over the internet. Chatting, writing, blogging, forums - We end up solving most of our techie problems & issues. The daily count of people calling up for customer support is reducing. So, is it worthwhile to have those many resources in Call Centers? As predicted, Call Centers are the targets.

We always make a difference in the market! We just took a new direction!

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