May 9, 2006

'Adieu' Pentium

Looks like AMD has really touched the Core of Intel! Well, the other way to put it is, Intel is trying to regain the market share from AMD by doing some changes to its Core Architechture. So, the word is out - Bye to Pentium. Welcome, Core 2 Duo - A common 65-nanometer Core Microarchitecture design for their consumer, gaming, notebook, and business desktop lines.

Intel got to address its pressure from AMD on power consuming chips. So, is this new word going to do the magic?

Chip vendors such as Intel and AMD have designed their latest processors with multiple cores in each chip as an energy-efficient way to process more software code without increasing clock speed, heat, and electricity demands. Just like cars, faster chips are generally less efficient.
-- PC World.

At the same time, I guess Intel is trying to make a statement to all the computer gaming freaks. Well, we know Dell's Gaming System XPS M1710 is hot out in the market and everyone understands that this X-gen market is growing. Is Intel giving a specialized chip for this sector alone? Well, Intel made a different move - Name the chip as Core 2 Extreme with the same architecture behind. Won't it be great to chit chat with friends "Hey, I got Core2X!"?

So, names have been making some difference lately. Lets see how far these names reach the Intel Inside audience.

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