Apr 19, 2006

Writer's Choice

Have I started feeling more emotional now a days? More lonely lately? I guess so.
After those saddest moments in my life, some harmone has come out of its hibernation inside me. A new symptom - My heart beats a bit faster & my eyes become a bit watery when I see some emotional scenes in movies. Though am trying to get back to how I was before with regular TV, movies, music - nothing is helping. Tried driving along for long distances, but how long can I keep on driving.
I was never like this before & am not sure how long this is gonna continue. But I'm making my efforts to come out instead of feeling the feelings. I have tried reading a lot for past 3 months and still feel somewhat is missing. So, have restarted -
When I was at school during my Masters, I had so much of information falling through my way and hence, was very much into blogging. Then, was occupied with much better stuffs & forgot to write.
- blogging & it does has started helping me. Though this may have started at a bad time, hope this will take me long way into lot motre times to come...
In short - Reviving my enthu... - My Profile

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