Apr 19, 2006

A War on DVD!!

Man... I guess this is the first time I'm witnessing a war on the electronic products. Some new technologies coming up with 2 different versions backed up by some big names in the electronics world and ofcourse, will all those Hollywood production studios going behind oneor the other.
With Toshiba's HD DVD already out in the US market too, does it have an advantage of capturing some percent of the market? My guess is No. Are people ready to spend 500 to 800 bucks on a product which is waiting to meet its competitor in a month? Blu Ray is waiting to knock on the same doors as that of HD DVD one month from now and everyone will have their doubt in mind - if blu ray turns out to be a better product? Blu Ray has a backing from Sony which is once again coming up with PS3.
I have my own personal friends who are waiting for a long time to grab one of the PS3's. Even though, Sony's announcement of PS3 coming only in November (for the holiday season) disheartening, people are still waiting.
The whole of PS3 market is waiting for Blu Ray and so, Blu Ray already has a user/customer group. So, Blu Ray - you better be good. What does the initial advantages sound like for Blu Ray? Its going to offer more than 25GB while HD DVD offers only 15GB. That sure is a favored look for people who consider DVD to be a data storage media.
With all these said, about Blu Ray, am I leaning towards Blu Ray? All I said is with an initial start of HD DVD into the market, it has very less advantage. But can HD DVD build its user group? Where can it do that from? Microsoft & XBox - This client, if can give a HD DVD fprmat supporting game player this Summer 06, then HD DVD has already started taking advantage way ahead of Blu Ray & PS3. If HD DVD can come up with the best movies from Universal & Warner Bros, those movies which people would really love to have as a treasure, retain as a copy in house (instead of just going for rentals), have the movies as the highest quality (aka HD DVD/Blu Ray) available at the current times, then HD DVD can sure gain advantage.
And what gave me the interest to write this. The war of the technologies and the way I'm witnessing it. I guess I'll be seeing the end of one of these technologies - Which I didn't see when VHS and whatever other format was knocking the doors for Video Tape formats.


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Anonymous said...

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Jagan M Narayanan said...

Please, do so.