Apr 17, 2006

Spineless Politicians!

Just count the number of politicians switching between the 2 big political parties in Tamil Nadu before the elections. It goes to hundreds. Does the 2 parties have different base? The 2 leaders are perfect opponents. But every1 else has no spine. They keep on criticizing the other party's leader when they are in one.
Take for instance Vaiko. Boneless. A guy who was kept arrested for around 18 months by JJ and now he joins her party. Sarath Kumar - A guy who had the status of RS MP from DMK & now joins ADMK.
What does all this mean? These politicians basically look for money & power, & take Tamilians for granted. Do something good to people to show that they are 'for people'. Thzz it. Then, crib about other politicians & opponents for what they have done wrong, corruptions etc, even though they are also of the same type & they were also part of the 'other family' before.

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