Apr 27, 2006

Disgrace from Chennai to Harvard...

Have you read 'How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life'? I'm not a great reader of novels and haven't tried reading that book. But the name of the author does made the story interesting for me - Kaavya Viswanathan. For sure, she is from Tamil Nadu. So, just peeked into the story and I end up reading an article on how her book is a sample of plagiarism.
Ohh... not a story I want to read - bringing a disgrace on Indians by an Indian, especially by a Tamilian:(
If this plagiarism is creating ripples, it sure should be having a big backstage. Well, the article pointed out that Miss.Kaavya has already made a deal for $500,000/- for this & another book. Adding to that - she is just a 19 year old sophomore at Harvard doing course on Investment Banking. So, why won't this become big?
But, I sure appreciate Miss. Kaavya coming out in public & apologizing. Well, giving to the benefit of doubt - it sure is a possibility that people read lots of novels when they are young and they would like to write down a different story with similar plots. So, they end up writing 'unconciously & unintentionally' a plagiarized novel.
The publishers can sure make a worth out of this present publicity by altering the required sections in the novel & re-releasing the book.

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