Apr 25, 2006

'Cool' Snacks!!

Summer is getting really hot day by day. And a new way to hydrate yourself is available from Dryer's. Wow. Just see the concept of Dibs. Its so small in size like that of a peanut and is flavored ice cream. So, when people want to hydrate themselves like when they travel all they got to do is open this box & just take a few pieces out of it.
This is one great example of 'thinking outside the box'. Ice creams are no more in scoops, cups, cones or bowls. They are in the right size & shape to be thrown into our mouth. Though, I haven't tasted it yet, the TV ad i ran into yesterday just pulled my interest on, how this new concept has been put forward.
Well, on a side note, I also heard that this carries too much of saturated fat. So, I guess this product is only for an ice cream freak & not for someone who is very consious about their body shape & weight. Once again, I'm writing this on what I have heard. I haven't seen a box of Dibs yet!

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