Apr 26, 2010

People & Behvaiors

At one end, I saw this... Being Summer, a cow was lying in the shadow of a tree. One guy starts shoo-shooing this cow ultimately to know why... Coz he wants to park his car in the shadow of the tree. Just imagine... Car is more valuable than the cow.
At the other end - Today morning I was travelling in a train & my 2 yr old was sufferenig from fever.

  • There was one couple who did all that is possible from their end to help me & my wife. Started with sponging, while they went out to look for the doctor who can immediately provide some help. The lady also applied the holy ash on my daughters forehead. Both of them were quite old & they blessed my child for well being.
  • Another gentleman told us that there is a doctor who helped someone else in the night. So, he directed us to them.
  • Meanwhile, we asked a set of people who had quite some children. They tried their level best to hand me the medicine they had which can be given to a 2 yr old. This family also later helped me get my luggages down from the train. All the children each one of them came & wished my daughter good luck.
  • While all these was happening, there happened to be one gentleman who seems to be very much knowledgeable about child's medicines etc. He was mentioning about not to take paracetomol, how to do sponging, which medicine to take, how to control temp not going to brain, not take milk, take lots of water, how adults & children are treated abroad & how in India & so on. Quite some helpful tips... He also helped me in handling my luggage when others were passing by in the passage.
  • This didn't stop there. One gentleman advised me how to strategically reach my house faster rather than wait for the train to take me for another 45 mins or so. He & another person gave me all the phone numbers (nearly 7-8) possible to book some cabs but it was so unfortunate that no one cab was available.
  • Then came another gentleman who told me that he has a cab coming to the next station. He went out of his way to call the cab to the station where I'll be deboarding. Then he helped me carry my luggage & he took me his cab.
  • The cab driver helped me to locate a pharmacy shop, waited for us to feed the medicine to my baby & ultimately delivered us to our house. The gentleman completely refused any kind of amount from me telling that the cab is for personal use only...

Ohhh... That was one set of good people just helping with nothing expected in return...


Sripraneeth said...

How is your daughter now ?

Jagan M Narayanan said...

She seems like oo fever but still havin cough n cold...