Dec 23, 2007

Electronic Retailers

Who is making the difference for all the US Electronic retailers? The major set back which surprised me was the closing of CompUSA - For me, it was something that is improbable to happen but it's business & someone has got all businesses out of CompUSA.

The latest news about the third quarter loss from Circuit City is yet another shocker. I don't think Circuit City is losing its business but it is more to do with customer satisfaction and other soft factors which are making people move away. The alternate choice now seems like only Best Buy & we got to wait to watch how Best Buy can thrive against the universal WalMart which is making up all its losses from cheaper electronic items with other market segments & products.

But recently Dell's announcement of putting their brands on Best Buy's showrooms is one different move which changes the core Dell's strategy of marketing & supply chain. Likewise, it is one major boost for Best Buy's recognition in electronic retailer segment.

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