Nov 20, 2007

Why SIP?

When we know for sure that the market is having an upward slope why should we go for a SIP? We are actually increasing the risk rather than averaging it out.

Especially like the Indian Market which is driven now a days more & more by the large cap segment, there is no point in using SIP for large cap funds. Our SIPs are going to get less & less units on a monthly basis as the NAV keeps increasing. Probably, the same should be considered on small caps & mid caps which are more oscillating and not really seeing the growth which the market "seems" to show.

One time investment is best for now but should we wait for correction because the NAVs are at their new peaks & still increasing. Even a correction will be in small scale and the market shows no signs of decline. So, my take is even now is no bad time. Use SIP if you are left out with no option...

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