Nov 3, 2007


George Bush has always been keeping US people under fear of terrorism and attacks and Musharraf is no different.

He has also been trying to keep Pakistan under his control - now with things all going against him and not able to stop the violences - he is imposing emergency in the whole of Pakistan. My guess is the Supreme Court decision on his running for Presidency as Military chief should be going against him. The rule always applies - "Never ever take a military ruler or a dictator for goodness of a country".

US should first stop funding Pakistan & supporting Pervez. That'll probably initiate to put a full stop for his dictatorship...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After 7 years of ruling, Pervez is ultimately saying that he is not able promise a proper rule, he has got Pakistan into instability and ultimately he'll restart 1999 in 2007 to retry and redo what he hasn't done for past 7+ years... Try to demonstrate demo-craz(c)y