Oct 6, 2007

Fund Manager...

If you are thinking about Mutual Funds investment, this is one of the important things to know - Fund manager. But are we really investing on the Fund Manager? To some extent YES.

  • Fund Manager is like a CEO. In many cases, he makes the decision on where to invest and in which direction a particular fund should move on.
  • Then there are all these analysts who work for the AMC & the Fund Manager, who keep guiding and advising on where to go. May be to some extent the board of directors...
  • And then the AMC itself and their maturity in MF.
If a Fund Manager moves on or comes in, you better be aware of this and make some informed-sound decision about your investments.

The question to be asked is, what kind of permission does the AMC give to the fund manager? If the Fund Manager has all the say to make, then it is dangerous because when the Fund Manager leaves the whole direction for the Fund itself leaves. There is a very chance that the fund will fall from say 50% returns to 1% returns or so.

So, just don't go by highly attractive fund names but go with the AMC, their Fund policies, the fund's past performance and to some extent, Fund Manager. But remember - All these come to picture after you have defined your portfolio.

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