Oct 1, 2006

Quote Redefined!

I was never aware that there has been a controversy on the famous statement which Neil Armstrong made from moon in 1969. The quote read... till date

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
Do you see anything wrong? Well, people have seen that there was no 'a' before 'man'!! So, people have argued or criticized Neil to have actually meant "That's one small step for mankind..."! Did he mean that or not is the question:)

It seems the statement would have been dramatic and grammatically correct if Neil had said 'a'! Hmmm... who cares? Peter Shann Ford has cared about the same, used some audio research softwares and has proved that Neil infact used 'a' before 'man' in his famous quote!

Who knows, this may turn out to be another controversy:)

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