Aug 18, 2006

Are They Lost?

So seriously, have NASA lost the original set of tapes which actually contain the remarkable event of Apollo 11's moon landing in 1969? Well, that's what NASA website have shown the info as! Quoting...

Despite the challenges of the search, NASA does not consider the tapes to be lost.
Well, they have atleast left out with something though:)
First-generation copies of the converted video from Apollo 11 as well as other first-generation copies and some original versions of the converted video for the Apollo 12 through Apollo 17 flights are still in NASA Johnson Space Center's Informational Resources Directorate's video vault in Houston.
Well, looks like the search has been going on for 18 months as of now, and still they feel it as simply to do with the logistics and labelling of the boxes??!!

I mean, as anyone else I'm also kind of looking forward to this (supposed to be) "high-quality" version of this event compared to the actual controversial relay pictures & videos shown to the public then. By the way, the videos that were seen in TV were of poor quality because obviously the stored data had like 10 frames per second of data and the TV asks for like 60 frames per second...

But, how can they lose these tapes? Is this yet another setback story for a governmental agency?

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