Jul 27, 2006

Why BPO....

Here is the news -

Tanya Banerjee, 25 years old is killed in Bangalore.
This is just another isolated incident in India, but I have no idea why this is so much hyped - by relating her to that of a BPO/Call Center employee! Yes, it is purely coincidental that she is another BPO employee and is killed just 6 months after a similar killing!

Guess, news makers need something to really 'cook & make' some news:)!


Anonymous said...

This always happens in India. Media makes news out of crap. These days media was boasting that criminals come into their studios and surrender. Several such cases have happened.
Media is just creating a hype. They are making a hero out of criminals. Its so easy for them to come on national television.
Media is progressing but at the same time its becoming irresponsible.

Jagan M Narayanan said...

I know they wanna relate this incident to that of the driver incident 6 months back. But, its too much of hype with a bad assumption & motive

Anonymous said...

the media thinks that it too plays a role in crime investigation...
and thiks that by relating instances...it can help sorting out crime easier for the police...
thats just pointless hype... they just want some "masala" in their news channels...
Stsy Connected. (u do need this meida known as internet for that...)

Jagan M Narayanan said...

Masala... is the right word I guess..