Dealing With Deals...
Some of my friends spend lot of their office time in sites which actually compares prices available at different online websites for a product and give the best available deal. For instance, there are sites like eDealInfo, Deals2Buy and FatWallet.Well, if you see all these sites there is something common, rather I should say one brand has a different level of importance. They all have seperate page to deal with Dell deals. With the help from those pages I, myself have combined (or to say 'Stacked') different promotional codes with one another to get really great deals on Dell desktops, notebooks, PDAs for my friends. I guess, once I got this deal of buying a notebook worth USD2200, for 900 bucks!
So cool the promotions are from Dell all the time that sometimes people got to wait & continuously track the rebates. Sometimes, the rebates vanish so fast like when the offers are for like first 200 users. Statistics put that around 50 promotions per quarter are offered from Dell.
The bad part is, sometimes there are too many promotions at one point of time that customers feel cheated. They miss, the use of right codes or the stackable offers. This has happened to one of my friends where he could have easily saved 450 more bucks. And the issue worsens when the sales reps themselves get confused with the offers and rebates:)
So, atlast such confusions have been brought to the notice of Dell and Dell too have promised to reduce such large amount of promotional offers. So, hereafter it seems Dell will try to offer more uniform pricing for the systems. Lets hope, atleast that brings more happiness in customers rather than disappointments.
BTW, I told you about the sites which give the best online deals. There is one more popular site called Woot, which has a totally different business model. People have a craze about it and the best deals from that site can be made by people who are in US West coast. Because, the cheap new products are announced daily at 12Am central time, which is 10PM the previous day for west coast people (like me):)
Could you please share your true experience with DELL systems...bcoz i am planning to buy one. I am worried about the system once the warranty is over.
My advice is -
Dell, HP, Sony & Toshiba are all the same. I have seen them walk into trouble right after an year.
We have 2 publizied reasons 2 doubt Dell - The Japan's burning notebook and Pennsylvania's another battery burning! Toshiba - I have seen 2 notebooks completely shut off around an years time. Sony, one of my friend is about to spend 200 more bucks (just after an year) for unknown reasons.
It is advisable to get extended warranty.
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