Jul 9, 2006

Business Means Ethics...

If you ever have done courses on business, then you sure would have heard the terms 'Professional Responsibility' and 'Ethical Behavior'. Well, I have heard them when I underwent the Project Management Training! Here are some of the respective basic points (for which actually we don't need a training:))

  • Do not divulge company data to unauthorized parties
  • Value & protect intellectual property
  • Do not put personal gain over the needs of the project
  • Do not give or take bribes or inappropriate gifts
  • Report violation of laws, business policies, ethics & other rules
Actually there are many more points and details, but what I have listed here have something in common and they are all somewhat related to the real time story that has been happening for past few weeks. Haven't you heard the story of 'Coke Secrets'?

This could have been yet another news, but with the involvement of Pepsi things became more interesting! It seems Pepsi, I mean the arch rival of Coke, handed over a letter to Coke on May 19th. The letter actually originated from a person nick named 'Dirk' who works/has connection inside Coke industry and had the intentions to sell a new coke product's "secrets" (trade formulae) to Pepsi!

Well, later FBI got involved and arrested three people on the day the accuseds were supposed to finalize the deal & become rich:) - Joya Williams, an administrative assistant in Coke caught on camera stealing records & Coke products' liquid, Ibrahim Dimson alias Dirk and Edmund Duhaney!

It is bad that the Coke employees tried to reveal some trade secrets and went away from business code of conducts! At the same time Pepsi could have played the cheap game, but it turned out to be quite interesting that they followed the 'Business Ethics'! Well, healthy competition is ofcourse good in business. And what more can be more satisfying than to see the arch rivals joining hands in spoiling such mischiefs...

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