Jun 10, 2006

It's Virtual Enough!

Any engineer in the software industry would like to sit in his office desk and do all the work. Mostly people will avoid walking to any kind of lab to do the work. I'm no different either.

Well, there were days when I either try to use a physical machine in the lab, do remote desktop, terminal server it or atleast try to set up the lab I need in my office itself:)! Fair Enough! Then, came VMWares - The Virtual Machines! The IS team got set up some machines in the lab with their respective 'Split Personalities' and so, we can ping them and get ourselves going! And so, came a time when even running 3-4 systems per physical system is not large enough to cater the demands!

Do we have a new solution? Looks like Akimbi is good enough to meet those demands! I tried my hands on it and I do enjoy it! Why? Because, everything is not only from my office desk, but from my office system itself.

Alright! So, this is how this works from a user's interface! There is this server which has say like 300 GB of space. All we need to do is, go via the Akimbi interface, create a configuration and add a machine with the required Ghost! That's it! We are up & running! So, we can also add multiple systems to one configuration, deploy, undeploy, revert to the default configuration or reset all of them together! And the big advantage is, system snapshots can be captured & stored in library.

But at the same time, if the original system is running, is it possible to run the snapshot at a different system! Possible, Name & IP Address conflict? The systems talking to each other are kind of really very slow at the start and eventually they establish a good connection. The real concern is, it seems the architecture works like having a constant/common set of OS files for all the systems running in the server! How can they be shared? Won't we get into file sharing issues?

Like any other system, this hardware-software system works and I'm happy about it! Will wait to run into some serious issues:)!


Anonymous said...

virtual machines are cool things....
i hav been using them for a while...and i am just waiting for Vista to release...i want to try that on linux first..!!
anyways...i wanted to know more abt u....where do u work...ur posts show ur professional scale computer knowledge...which is ur field of computer science..??
why dont u put the screens of the mail that i had sent u a while ago...??
Stay Connected.(virtually and physically..!!)

Jagan M Narayanan said...

i'll try to capture something from Akilmbi for this!