Jun 9, 2006

Greens For Less Gas!

One amazing country is United States! Can you imagine - If people use public transportation, then they get paid extra dollars? My company offers me extra bucks for any kind of office commutation other than driving alone like biking, walking, car pooling and others. We sure have special car pool parking spots in our office, right near the doors, next to the handi capped parkings:)!

With all the cars roaming around in the freeways and the price of oil lingering around $75 per barrel and still moving up, companies and communities are trying their best to help this country save some natural source of energy! No wonder Toyota Prius is one big hit in US. It seems there are many companies in the bay area that actually help their employees with 10-20% of the cost in buying hybrid cars! Interesting enough!

Google is one of them, paying like $5000 bucks for their employees! Timberland, too offers a special parking spot for hybrid cars and some USD 3000 as cash back. Well, the big news today is Bank Of America, made its cash back offer of $3000/- for around 21,000 employees near Charlotte, Los Angeles & Boston! That sure in enough incentive for employees to buy the hybrids.

Well! On the other side, the experts calculations say that there is eventually no long term savings for an individual by using a hybrid and using less gas! How far is this true?


Anonymous said...

see jags, i told u, oil is really bothering US. Their nuclear deal with India and refusal to Pakistan justifies this. but no wonder, US is great to take such a step. When will that day come when even I will be able to boast of my country's policies. at this day, i can only criticise the policies like reservation and the biased judiciary of India. but I will think for some good thing about India overnight and write tomorrow. hey! there are 3 more indians writing comments here. do tell me if u ppl find anything about our country which we can be proud of.

Jagan M Narayanan said...

The best thing about India is the public:). They have more hearts & energy to help each others. That's what makes the whole system running. Just consider any natural disaster or artificial too - People work together to get things running without waiting for help from the govt. Like in the case of the worst rainfall in mumbai, people sprang back to action pretty soon.

But at the same time, we know tht the same population is making things work slowly for the whole system:(

Anonymous said...

Yeah, u r right,the public is definately the best in India.