May 3, 2006

Hey Kiddo, You healthy Enough?

The worst-affected states in India are UP, Rajasthan, Orissa, Bihar and Maharastra. Over 50% of children in some of these states are malnourished.
- TimesOfIndia (TOI)

I wrote a para in my previous post on the below poverty line in India and now I end up seeing another article which shows the statistics of unhealthy Indian kids against the world's, as released by UNESCO - That India beats sub-Saharan Africa to top chart in MALNOURISHED children.

The report says 27% of children in South Asian countries - around 146 million - are to be underweight, many to a life-threatening degree. More than half these children live in just three countries - Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

If someone reads the above statement - see that number 146 million - won't they feel pained? I feel it - pain, pity, sympathy. The people who are supposed to help them don't feel it. Don't you agree? Otherwise, India won't be in such deteriorating position. Instead, they end up riding in expensive cars & SUVs, do more & more of corruption and make their status better.

Its a bond that should be felt. Bond of humanity, bond of being Indian. The pledge, which every school kid takes - All Indians are my brothers & sisters, should be felt in heart and not just in words.

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