May 5, 2006

Hey Kid! Will You Drink Water When Thirsty?

I just don't get this. The public schools kids won't be getting the regular soft drinks which they usually like to get. But they'll be left over the diet versions of the same.

There are some things which took my attention. First of all, its X-Pres. Bill Clinton's involvement in the deal. I always used to wonder what these US presidents do after they walk out of White House besides going around the world, making speeches & getting paid millions for every 15 minutes. What Pres.Clinton has done is something to be appreciatd and has its worth.

The other thing is the acceptance by the soft drink manufacturers and the snack owners - Coca Cola, Pepsico, Cadbury. Don't they have a big market at the schools? Well, Pepsico has commented that they'll lose less than a percent of their total sales. I doubt it. I'm assuming there is something going on back stage with the goverment showing some helping hands to these companies (as if they require) to finalize this deal!
I'm sure, the companies would have thought about the long terms imapcts but I still feel, once they lose some market at these early ages, they will undertake quite a bit of imapact when these kids grow. I means a simple logic on human mind set - If they get a liking to diet products, they will start avoiding the "filling" versions. Isn't it?

Having talked about both the parties involved, lets think about what is the motto behind this. To nip in the bud - try to reduce the over obese US market by stopping the kids from getting into a habit of eating snacks/drinking sodas at their school days and early ages. Lol! Is this some kind of joke? I feel, if the kids won't get what they want in school, they get things from outside. And won't you agree, that the obesity has much more to do with the hormones and the way people are being brought up in their house & people around them rather than availability of some drinks & snacks!

May be this is a good initiative and in the long run, hopefully people will try to avoid the caloried food items & help, build a fit America!

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